Surgical Anatomy - selected chapters

Subject: Surgical Anatomy - selected chapters


NEPTUN code: AOG518407

Credit: 2          

Year, semester: 4th - 5th academic years, 1st and 2nd semesters

Number of lessons: 26

  • lecture: 24 hours
  • seminar: -
  • practice: 2 hours

Coordinator: Prof. Norbert Németh, MD, PhD, DSc, (e-mail:

Lecturers:  Prof. Norbert Németh, MD, PhD, DSc; Prof. László Damjanovich, MD, PhD, DSc, Prof. Róbert Póka, MD, PhD; Dezső Tóth. MD, PhD; Tibor Flaskó, MD, PhD, Zsolt Szentkereszty, MD, PhD; Balázs Nemes, MD, PhD; Imre Tóth, MD, PhD; Szilárd Gyula Rezes, MD, PhD; Ádám Deák, DVM, PhD

Prerequisite: Basic Surgical Techniques

Number of participants: min. 10, max. 20
Aim of the course:

Our course provides a detailed anatomical overview for students interested in operative medicine in the context of surgical interventions. The course involves a surgical anatomical review of different regions, a synopsis of clinically important and detailed anatomical relationships from a surgical perspective, presenting the surgical significance of anatomical variations and pathological differences. During the lectures, diagnostic images and intraoperative photos, videos, and a 3D interactive anatomical screen will help the demonstration.


Class 1. Introduction. Regional anatomy – an overview, orientation, planes, projection of organs.
Class 2. Surgical anatomy of the head and neck region I.
Class 3. Surgical anatomy of the head and neck region II.
Class 4. Axillary fossa. Femoral region.
Class 5. Anatomy of the thorax and the abdominal wall.
Class 6. Surgical anatomy of the thoracic cavity.
Class 7. Anatomical aspects of gastrointestinal surgery
Class 8. Surgical anatomy of the breast
Class 9. Surgical anatomy of the liver and biliary system.
Class 10. Surgical anatomy of the pancreas and spleen.
Class 11. Surgical anatomy of the kidney, urinary tracts and male genitalia.
Class 12. Surgical anatomy of the female genital organs.
Class 13. Summary. Written test.

Reading materials: Lecture materials.

Recommended materials: -

Exam: AW5 (written final test)

Last update: 2023. 09. 25. 16:46