Special laparoscopic urological interventions on experimental animals. Postgraduate course on the acquisition of urological laparoscopic procedures.

For: urological specialist

Dates: Based on individual request and personal communication.


Department of Operative Techniques and Surgical Research, Institute of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Debrecen, Hungary, 4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98.

Price: 105.000 Ft + price of the special laparoscopic equipments

Points: 16

Coordinator: István Furka, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

Contact person: Norbert Németh, M.D., Ph.D., phone/fax: +36 52 416 915, e-mail: nemeth@med.unideb.hu


  • István Furka, M.D., Ph.D. D. sc.
  • Irén Mikó, M.D., C.Sc., Ph. D.
  • Tibor Flaskó, M.D., Ph.D
  • Antal Farkas, M.D., Ph.D


8.00-8.45 Progress in laparoscopic surgery
9.00-9.45 Practice on "pelvic-trainer" and  MATT (Minimal Access Therapy) trainer:
Instrumentation and suture materials for laparoscopic suturing technique. The use of the laparoscopic needle holder and needle (introduce the needle and the suture material into the abdominal cavity). The steps of the laparoscopic suturing and knotting technique (sliding, squered and surgeons knots).
10.00-12.00 Practice on "pelvic-trainer" and  MATT (Minimal Access Therapy) trainer:
Practice to operate in team (positioning of trocars): fix and prepare the tissue, monopolar cutting – bipolar coagulation, clips, staplers, laparoscopic sutures, knots, endoloop, extracorporeal and endocorporeal ligature, different types of anastomoses. Quality control with the help of video documentation.
13.00-16.00 Practices
General and special surgical interventions on experimetnal animals.
Last update: 2023. 09. 26. 11:12