Advanced surgical operative techniques

Compulsory elective course

Course title: Advanced surgical operative techniques


Academic year, semester: 5th year/1st semester; 5th year/2nd semester

Credit: 2

Number of lessons: 24 (4 lectures, 20 practices)

Coordinator: Prof. Norbert Németh, MD, PhD, DSc

Lecturers: Prof. Norbert Németh, MD, PhD, DSc; Katalin Pető MD, PhD; Adam Deak, DVM, PhD; Tamas Lesznyak, MD, PharmD; Erzsebet Vanyolos, PhD

Aim of the course

  • To provide an opportunity for those students, who are interested in specialties which require manual skills before they finish their university studies and start their clinical practice. The course will be based on the knowledge obtained during the “Basic Surgical Technique”, “Surgical Operative Technique”, “Basic Microsurgical Training. Introduction to Microsurgery” and “Basic Laparoscopic Training. Introducion to Laparoscopic Surgery“ compulsory and compulsory elective courses.


  • “Surgery II”, “Basic Microsurgical Training. Introduction to Microsurgery” and “Basic Laparoscopic Training. Introduction to Laparoscopic Surgery


Week 1

  • Lecture: Scrubbing and behaviourial rules in the Operating Theatre. Main principles of surgical hemostasis. Basic surgical techniques of laparotomies, intestinal anastomoses, management of splenic injury, resection of the spleen and cholecystectomy. Operative techniques of preparation and cannulation of the external jugular vein, arteriotomy and closure of arteries, conicotomy and tracheostomy.

Week 2

  • Practical: Overviewing basic surgical techniques on models prior to the living operations.

Week 3

  • Practical: Paramedian laparotomy, one layer end-to-end jejuno-jejunostomy. Preparation and cannulation of the external jugular vein.

Week 4

  • Practical: Paramedian laparotomy, spleen stitches, resection of the spleen, cholecystectomy. Preparation and cannulation of the external jugular vein. Preparation, arteriotomy and suturing of the common carotid artery and femoral artery. Conicotomy and tracheostomy

Week 5

  • Practical: Paramedian laparotomy, spleen stitches, resection of the spleen. Preparation and cannulation of the external jugular vein. Preparation, arteriotomy and suturing of the common carotid artery and femoral artery. Conicotomy and tracheostomy.

    Course description

    • During the course, student will have the opportunity to practice surgical hemostasis, to secure a venous access, to make a venous cutdown, conicotomy, tracheostomy, to perform a laparotomy and to implement the basic surgical techniques in the abdominal cavity in a living tissue (anaesthetized pig). Student will work in teams (3 students/team) in a rotational system.

    Manage reading materials

    • Mikó I., Furka I.: Basic Surgical Techniques, Faculty of Medicine, Ed.: Debrecen University Press, 2011., ISBN 978-963-318-145-4

    Recommended readings

    • H.E. Grewe: Grewe’s Manual of Basic Surgical Skills. An Introduction to Surgical Procedures, Ed.: B.C. Decker Inc., 1986., ISBN 0-941158-84-5
    • G.R. McLatchie, D.J.Leaper: Oxford Handbook of Operative Surgery, Ed.: Oxford University Press, 1996., ISBN 0-19-262097-5

    Exam:  Evaluation of the individual work

    Exam type:   AW5

    Last update: 2023. 09. 05. 11:22