Basic Microsurgical Training. Introduction to Microsurgery - tematics


1st week: 

  • Lecture: General principles of microsurgery. Operating microscopes. Microsurgical instruments (scissors, forceps, needle-holders, approximating vessel clamps). Microsurgical suture materials and needles. Clinical and experimental application of microsurgery.

2nd week:

  • Practice 1: Adaptation to the operating microscope at various magnifications - harmony between eyes and hands. Scraping letters by letters from a newspaper with the tip of an injection needle with left and right hand at various magnifications - establishing the coordination between the hands.

3rd week:

  • Practice 2: Fiber removal and reposition with microsurgical forceps on a dry and wet gauze model, from different directions, at various magnifications. Preparation of "free flap" on a 4-layer gauze model for practising the perception of depth.

4th week:

  • Practice 3: Practising microsurgical suturing and knotting techniques by closing incisions made from different directions on rubber glove pieces. Presentation of the Microsurgical Museum

5th week:

  • Practice 4: Arterial anastomosis: end-to-end vascular anastomosis on the femoral artery of a biopreparate model. Presentation of the "Sun Lee Microsurgical Museum.
  • Self Control Test
Last update: 2024. 07. 16. 08:11