Basic Nursing Skill Practices

Subject: Basic Nursing Skill Practices
year, semester: 1st and 2nd semester, I-II. year
No. of lessons: 14
Entrance conditions:  „First aid and reanimation” exam 
Lecturers:  Dr. Erzsébet Ványolos (email: and the members of the meDEep Skill Club

Aim of the course:

For the summer nursing practice, beyond the subject framework, the course provides extra practice opportunities for the basic and skill-level tasks of hygienic hand disinfection, injection and blood sampling techniques, infusion set-up, blood pressure testing, blood glucose measurement, and wound care. The practice-based course is designed to provide additional practice beyond the topics of the compulsory subjects, therefore it is based on the knowledge acquired within the subject framework.


1st week:  Overview lecture on the basic practical tasks in nursing.

2nd-6th week:    Groups of 5-6 participants rotate through various task stations to complete practices on hygienic hand disinfection, injection and blood sampling techniques, infusion set-up, blood pressure measurement, blood glucose testing, basic wound care, bandaging, and dressing.

Recommended materials:

Forrest K., McKimm J., Edgar S.: Essential Simulation in Clinical Education. Wiley-Blackwell, 2023, ISBN 978-0-470-67116-0

Exam: AW5 

Last update: 2024. 07. 16. 10:21